Welcome to the Help & Heal Mental Health

The Help & Heal Mental Health Fund (HHMHF) empowers individuals living with mental illness to take back their lives and get a hand-up to help them through their recovery process, despite financial or treatment challenges, or living through trying times. (Help & Heal Mental Health Fund was previously known as Psych Central Community Connection — we just changed our name, but our focus remains the same.)

We do this by providing individuals living with mental illness a self-help support community, My Support Forums, as well as micro-grants to help with one-time emergency expenses, as well as larger treatment grants from time to time. Our long-running online My Support Forums community offers online peer-led support groups for those with mental illness and neurological disorders. In addition to these programs, the Community Connection also offers informational and educational programs targeted toward specific disorders as well as helping to better cope in trying, difficult times.

Looking for an online support group?
Please visit MySupportForums.org for free groups.

Help & Heal Mental Health Fund is the home for My Support Forums’ community fund drives. We are a 501(c)(3) public charity registered in the United States.


  • These are small grants (less than US$600) for members of any of our affiliated online communities, including My Support Forums, NeuroTalk, and Project BB.

  • These are small grants for folks who need help with payment for treatment with clinical depression that is treatment-resistant.

  • Other Educational Programs

    The Community Connection also supports educational and informational programs for those with lived experience. We fund and administer specific areas of content we’ve identified lack trusted, vetted resources.